(NEW Tom Bean ISD students - you just moved here; you have been approved as a transfer for the first time; your student is beginning Pre-K or Kinder for the first time)
Step 1: To begin the registration process you will need to set up your Parent Portal account. Once you have that created go to the New Student Enrollment page to enroll a new student online.
Step 2: Once logged into your Parent Portal account, go to New Student Enrollment. This page allows you to go through the steps required to enrol new students online. You can enroll mutliple students at once.
1 – Student Name
2 – Enrollment Key: an Enrollment Key will be emailed to you. Check your email and copy the Enrollment Key into the box
3 – Addresses & Contacts: Enter physical and mailing addresses for the student and other contact information
4 – Student Information: Select Add/Edit Info to add information to each student. You will add the student's address, contacts, demographic information, and all required documentation for registration. When you see the contacts listed, please mark the box in front of each one listed so that it will be added to your student's registration when we officially enroll your student
Required Registration Documents for New Student Enrollment: Upload to Parent Portal:
Proof of residency
A recent paid rent receipt
HUD/Settlement Statement
Current Voter Registration Card
Most recent property tax receipt indicating home ownership
Contract of sale or lease agreement
Gas bill indicating the address and the adult's name
Water bill indicating the address and the adult's name
Electric bill indicating the address and the adult's name
Child's Birth Certificate
Child's Social Security Card
Child's Immunization Records
Driver's License of Enrolling Parent/Guardian
Withdrawal form from previous district or district name and location
Applicable legal documentation
5 – Complete Enrollment Forms:
If you have difficulties uploading documents to Parent Portal, please email the documents to the appropriate campus email. Please include the student name and grade level in email.
Elementary: Patrice Counts,; Debra Jones,
Middle School: Lance Cherry,; Ashley Valle,
High School: Charles Nash,;
Other items you should complete for Registration:
Transportation Enrollment –
Register for bus services for the 2024- 2025 school year.
Free & Reduced Paperwork –
You will be able to access the paperwork for Free & Reduced meals in July on our website. Please make sure to complete the paperwork and return to your childs campus as quickly as possible. The application can be found on our website HERE.
New Student Enrollment- Parent Guide